Saturday, August 25, 2007

New Political Party

There is a need for a new political party in the United States of America. The current parties are either out of touch with the American people or just don't care about the average person anymore. There needs to be a party that is based on concerns and events facing the average person. A party that is made up of working class people.
I think the government should do something about the election system. How can a person win the majority of the popular vote and not the election? I noticed that California is now trying to rig the electoral college even more. Soon it will be that we don't have to vote. The government will elect itself. Now that would be something to see.
The new party should have common people who know what is going on in the real world extends beyond the beltway. I know it is a sin to think this; but there are people beyond the beltway. The world does not revolve around the District of Columbia. The politicians pander to special interest groups so why not create a lobbying group for the working people of the United States? A group that is made up of the true working class. It would have so many members that the government would have to at least listen, maybe even take action on some of the things that are truly paramount to the best interests of the common man and woman. Free health care and/or major health care reform should be at the top of the list. After all the government is supposed to protect and serve the people of the United States. With a viable third party in the running for national seats that the government would have to listen. With only two parties there is no need to listen to the common people who make up the majority of the United States.
The new party should not accept money from special interest groups or big business. By accepting these monies the current crop of politicians we have in power are subservient to these special interests. Have you ever heard of a President inviting a mechanic to the White House for lunch? Of course not, a mechanic is not as powerful as the head of Exxon/Mobil, but here is the catch; the mechanic has just as many votes in the general election as the president or CEO of any major corporation. The mechanic may not have the money behind him but he does have a vote. To put together a third party would not be easy; the existing government would fight it tooth and nail. The existing parties want the status quo to remain the same, but both have long since forgotten the factors of their origins. Our nation was established as the result of no representation with taxes being paid to the King of England, now we have no representation for most Americans with taxes being paid to a government that spends billions of dollars it does not have nor will ever have. Congress and the Senate control the money and spend it along partisan lines which is short for taking care of the rich people that they are friends with and who give them nice non-jobs when they leave public office because they know other politicians who owe them favors and who want nice high paying non-jobs of their own. If you or I tried to live like the government does we would be arrested and deservedly placed in either a jail or a mental institution. This is the basis of the need for a third or even fourth party; give the American people true options as to who is elected. Once a third or fourth party did begin to win seats in the Congress and the Senate; providing the new parties did not get Washington fever, change could realistically be expected. Term limits and recalls could also be used to keep politicians in line and serving the people and not big money.
More rants and ravings later.

1 comment:

Grundy said...

I like your ideas. I'm currently working on getting people together to talk about a new party structure. My website is and if you want to know more I wrote about it on my blog. I think you'd be interested.